Investing 101

Gather ’round for a story.

’Twas the tax season of 2019, and yours truly was an investing spring chicken. I had cautiously transferred a few thousand dollars into a few brokerage accounts and was feeling positively #adult about it.

While strolling the aisles of Kroger stocking up on that week’s rations of potato chips and Oreos one Sunday that January, I proudly reported to my dad on the phone that I had already filed my tax return.

“But have you gotten your 1099s yet?” he asked.

“What?” I scoffed. Clearly this man knew nothing of the financial wizard I was.

“Your 1099s. From your investment accounts,” he replied. Panic ensued.

“I have to pay taxes on those?” I asked, incredulous. Why didn’t anyone tell me?

…and that’s how I found out you have to pay taxes on your investment accounts! Surprise! So with that, my friends, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that you’re going to have a few more tax forms come April.

The good news is that we’ve just launched our new free Investing 101 mini course, featuring seven lessons designed to guide you through Money with Katie material in a curated way:

  1. How to confidently start investing (and know you’re ready)

  2. Stocks ‘n bonds

  3. Index funds & ETFs

  4. Diversification

  5. Tax-advantaged investing

  6. The age-old debate on Traditional vs. Roth

  7. And, finally, investment taxes 101

Sign up now. And if you’re beyond the basics, send it to a friend!

Katie Gatti Tassin

Katie Gatti Tassin is the voice and face behind Money with Katie. She’s been writing about personal finance since 2018.

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