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financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
Redefining the Terms

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
House of Mirrors

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
On Radical Audacity

spending habits,
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
spending habits,
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
We’re Having Fun, Right?

spending habits,
financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
spending habits,
financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
Mimetic Desire and Consumer “Choice”

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
The News that Makes Money Feel Worthless

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
Maybe She’s Born with It, Maybe Her Mom’s the CFO of Kraft Heinz

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
We Live in a Society

financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
Just Asking Questions

financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
Commodified Memories

financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
Local Woman Discovers Leisure in European City

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
Maybe We’ll Cool It on Thought Experiments for a While, Because I’m Tired

financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
Is Being “Good” with Money Making You Miserable?

financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
The Limit Does Not Exist—or Does It?

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
What Are We Willing to Sacrifice for Certainty?

financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin

financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
Katie Gatti Tassin
Does Focusing on Systemic Issues Create a “Victim Mentality”?

financial psychology,
early retirement
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
early retirement
Katie Gatti Tassin
Forged in the FI/RE

spending habits,
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
spending habits,
financial psychology
Katie Gatti Tassin
Purity Finance

financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin
financial psychology,
spending habits
Katie Gatti Tassin